Are you complying? One of the main changes to SAP 10 which is affecting builders and project managers post June 15th, 2022 is the need to take photographs in relation to 'Part L' compliance. To read about it in detail, go to appendix B of the approved document L. I have found so far this has been a surprise to quite a few of my clients. What pictures are needed for compliance?
Here is a short list to make sure you don't get caught out on your current new build project:
Foundations/ Substructures & Ground Floor
External Walls- Each main type/ Thermal Junctions
Roofs- Each main type featured on the property
Openings- Each type of window/doorset
Building services- HVAC, Zero Carbon technologies, etc.
What is interesting with this list of photos is that it matters how the photo is taken: the angle, features, clarity and resolution as it will need to stand up to an external audit.
Are your photos sufficient to ensure your project goes through smoothly? Are yuou getting value for money from your SAP Assessor? Why not get in touch with me on 07800 654321 or though my website if you have any questions or would like me to be involved in your next project.
Sap 2 sbem. The professionals choice.